Workshop 10 (In Italian)
Date: 05 Jul, 2023
Time: 13:30 – 16:00 (CET)
Workshop title: Promoting and disseminating well-being at school. Guidelines for psychologists and teachers
Promuovere e disseminare benessere a scuola. Linee guida per psicologi e insegnanti.
Francesca Cavallini (on behalf of the working group on school psychology of the psychologists’ Board of Emilia-Romagna)
Maria Chiara Sacchetti (on behalf of the working group on school psychology of the psychologists’ Board of Emilia-Romagna)
Language: Italian
Description of workshop:
Come Gruppo di Lavoro “Psicologia Scolastica” dell’Ordine degli Psicologi dell’Emilia-Romagna, abbiamo lavorato a linee guida utili a supportare il lavoro sia di psicologhe e psicologi scolastici sia delle e degli insegnanti impegnati quotidianamente con gli adolescenti. Le linee guida sono strumenti pratici, semplici e intuitivi. L’obiettivo del workshop è sviluppare un linguaggio comune che semplifichi la comunicazione tra i sistemi coinvolti. Le linee guida sono strumenti utili per raccogliere dati sui bisogni de* student*, sugli esiti degli interventi e promuovono la comunicazione tra i diversi sistemi. Le linee guida sono suddivise per tipologia di azioni che possono/devono essere intraprese in relazione a diverse ipotetiche casistiche di student* che si presentano allo sportello di ascolto o che si confidano con gli insegnati. I codici, secondo queste linee guida, vengono assegnati dall* psicolog* scolastic* o dalle/dagli insegnati e vengono aggiornati ed eventualmente modificati.
As the “School Psychology” Working Group of the Emilia-Romagna Order of Psychologists, we have been working on useful guidelines to support the work of both school psychologists and teachers engaged with adolescents on a daily basis. The guidelines are practical, simple and intuitive tools. The goal of the workshop is to develop a common language that simplifies communication between the systems involved. The guidelines are useful tools for collecting data on students’ needs, outcomes of interventions, and promote communication between different systems. The guidelines are broken down by types of actions that can/should be taken in relation to different hypothetical cases of students presenting to the psychological helpdesk or to teachers. The codes, according to these guidelines, are assigned by the school psychologist or teachers and are updated and modified as necessary.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the workshop, the participants will
- apply techniques and instrumentation to gather relevant data
- apply data-based decision-making
- apply strategies to improve family, school, and community collaboration.
NASP Domains:
- Data-Based Decision Making,
- Consultation and Collaboration
- Family, School, and Community Collaboration
Presenter Bio: Francesca Cavallini, psychologist, PhD in education, PhD in educational Psychology, contract professor in Parma’s University and Modena and Reggio Emilia University. Founder and director of Tice (, coordinator of working group on school psychology of the psychologists’ Board of Emilia-Romagna

Presenter Bio: Maria Chiara Sacchetti, psychologist, psychotherapist, Master in ABA, School psychologist. Manager in Tice (, member of working group on school psychology of the psychologists’ Board of Emilia-Romagna