Celeste Malone

Howard University – Washington, DC – National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) President

Title: Reimagining School Psychologists as Healers

Short Bio: Celeste M. Malone, PhD, MS, is an associate professor and coordinator of the school psychology program at Howard University. She received her master’s degree in school counseling from Johns Hopkins University and her doctorate in school psychology from Temple University, and she completed a postdoctoral fellowship in child clinical and pediatric psychology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Celeste’s primary research interest relates to multicultural and diversity issues embedded in the training and practice of school psychology. Specifically, her work addresses the development of multicultural competence through education and training, diversification of the profession of school psychology, and the relationship between culturally responsive practice and pre-K–12 student outcomes. Related to her interest in professional issues in school psychology, Celeste has continuously held leadership positions in psychology professional associations and has been recognized for her ongoing leadership and commitment to social justice in psychology by presidential recognitions from NASP, the Maryland School Psychologists’ Association, and APA Division 16 School Psychology. Celeste is the 2022–2023 NASP President and, notably, is the second person of color to ever serve in this role.  

Lucia Mason

University of Padova

Title: Reading for School Tasks on Screens and Paper: Are They Equivalent for Comprehension and Learning?

Short Bio: Lucia Mason is professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Padova, Italy and president-elect of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Past editor-in-chief of Learning and Instruction, she is currently an associate editor of Metacognition and Learning and member of the editorial board of several high-ranking journals. She carried out studies on conceptual change, analogical reasoning, epistemic beliefs, and digital reading in students of different grade levels. Regarding digital reading, she investigated text comprehension in relation to the reading medium (paper or screen) and the critical evaluation of online information sources and comprehension of  controversial issues. She focused not only on reading outcomes but also on reading processes using eye tracking to study learning from science text and graphics, and psycho-physiological measures  to study the relationship between arousal and reading comprehension performance. She has published many articles in international journals, several chapters in international volumes, and some national volumes.   


Stijn Van Petegem

Université Libre de Bruxelles

Title: When parents become too involved in school: understanding parental overinvolvement in a changing social world.

Short Bio: Stijn Van Petegem obtained a PhD at Ghent University (Belgium), then spent five years as a postdoctoral researcher at Université de Lausanne (Switzerland), studying the psychological dynamics involved in adolescent autonomy and parental control, and more generally the question how parents may foster children’s flourishing and resilience. Today, he works as an FNRS Research Associate at Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), where he is the principal investigator of the ERC-funded project SAFE-SORRY ( Within this project, his team particularly attempts to look into the broader picture of parenting, seeking to understand whether and how the societal, cultural, and economic context shapes the way parents raise their children.