Workshop 8
Date: 05 Jul, 2023
Time: 13:30 – 16:00 (CET)
Workshop title: Cross Cultural Considerations of School Climate: Using Data to Support Cross-National Efforts to Improve School Climate
Tamika P. La Salle-Finley Associate Professor of School Psychology Georgia State University, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of School & Educational Psychology
Sergio Di Sano Assistant Professor of School Psychology, University G. d’Annunzio, of Chieti-Pescara
Description of Workshop:
During this workshop, presenters will discuss the foundations of school climate and the cross-cultural impact of school climate on students’ academic, behavioral and social emotional outcomes. We will review relevant literature and use data to guide discussions focused on using data to identify contextually and culturally relevant universal and targeted interventions to meet stunt needs. Resources for supporting cross-national collection of school climate data will also be shared.
Learning Objectives:
- Define and learn about school climate and the impact on students’ academic, social, and cultural outcomes from a cross-cultural perspective
- Learn how to use school climate date to inform equity and culturally and contextually relevant efforts
- Learn how to identify school-wide strategies to promote positive school climates for marginalized and minoritized students.
NASP Domains:
- School-Wide Practices to Promote Learning
- Equitable Practices for Diverse Student Populations
- Data-Based Decision Making
Presenter Bio: Tamika P. La Salle- Finley is an Associate Professor, Director of the Center for Research on School Safety, School Climate, and Classroom Management and Editor-in Chief of the International Journal of School & Educational Psychology in the Department of Counseling and Psychological Services at Georgia State University, USA. She also coordinates an International School Climate Collaborative with colleagues and data collection from more than 13 countries. Dr. La Salle’s scholarship, service, and teaching focuses on creating equitable environments for youth with minoritized and marginalized identities. Specifically, Dr. La Salle studies culturally responsive educational practices and school climate. She is particularly interested in the impact of culture on students’ educational experiences and on developing and maintaining culturally responsive school environments that are equitable, safe, and positive for students and families.

Presenter Bio: Sergio Di-Sano is an Assistant Professor, Coordinator of the School Psychology Lab (SPLab), at the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences, of D’Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara. He has participated to the International School Climate Collaborative, coordinated by Tamika La Salle. He translated the Georgia School Climate Survey in Italy. His interests involve the topics of school climate, social justice, multiculturalism, equity, digital learning and digital well-being.