Workshop 2
Date: 05 Jul, 2023
Time: 13:30 – 16:00 (CET)
Workshop title: Culturally Responsible Mental Health in Schools: A Global Framework
Presenter: Sam Song, PhD, NCSP, University of Nevada Las Vegas.
Workshop Description:
Youth mental health remains a global crisis due to the pandemic. School mental health is part of the solution; however, that too appears to have fallen short given. School psychologists can lead schools into delivering more effective mental health services that are equitable for all children and youth. However, a new model is needed to guide practice, research, and policy — the culturally responsible dual-factor mental health framework (Lazarus, Doll, Song, & Radliff, 2021). The purpose of this session is to introduce this framework, explain what it means for school psychology, and discuss strategies to be implemented by school psychologists. One of the advantages of this session will be its facilitation of self-understanding and professional growth in cultural humility and cultural competency. This session will rely on engaging instructional approaches including discussion, case examples, collaborative learning, games, and brief lectures.
NASP Domains:
Mental and Behavioral Health Services
Equitable Practices for Diverse Populations
Legal, Ethical, and Professional Practice
Learning Objectives:
After attending this session, participants will articulate an understanding of the culturally responsible dual-factor mental health framework.
After attending this session, participants will articulate the assumptions of the culturally responsible dual-factor mental health framework compared to a traditional framework.
After attending this session, participants will articulate strategies to be used in schools to promote culturally responsible mental health.
Presenter Bio: Dr. Samuel Song, PhD, NCSP, is Professor in the Counselor Education, School Psychology, and Human Services Department, and the Coordinator of School Psychology programs (EdS & PhD) at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and the Past-President of Division 16, School Psychology, of the American Psychological Association (APA). He has two books on social justice and school psychology published by NASP and Routledge. Dr. Song’s research agenda focuses on school violence/safety and healthy school cultures and climates for all students, especially those who are minoritized. He is the Principal Investigator of the Restorative Schools Project at UNLV.
He has consulted with schools on issues of school safety, crisis, bullying, and restorative justice strategies in a number of states across the country for over 15 years. He is a trained restorative justice facilitator and has responded acutely to traumatic events in schools with a restorative crisis response. He has served as an Expert Consultant to APA’s Safe and Supportive Schools Project on HIV prevention in schools. He is a sought after trainer offering workshops and speaking on school safety, restorative justice and school psychology across several states in the country and internationally (Asia and New Zealand). He is the 2020 recipient of the Jean Baker Service and Practice Award bestowed by the Division 16 of APA, is an Associate Editor for School Psychology Review (official journal of NASP), and is an editorial board member on the top journals in the field.